Why Donate?

“Once, when you thought no one was looking, I saw you open your heart so wide the earth fell in.
Once, when you thought no one was listening, I heard you sigh so deep the oceans roared with support.
Once, when you thought you were all alone, I felt every atom in this universe rush forward to embrace you. Again.
Thank you for living so beautifully.”

If my writing, interviews, talks, classes or retreats have contributed to your life in any positive way, and if your soul is called to contribute, I’d be grateful for your support.


You can contribute via PayPal by clicking on the red Donate heart.


Or, if you’d prefer to send a check, please email: info@serabeak.com.

Ongoing Soul Support

You can donate more than once, or monthly or yearly or whenever it’s financially comfortable for you.

When you feel the inner nudge, just come back to my website, click on the red heart, and feel the love.

Divine Patron

If you would like to set up something more formal (but flexible), please contact info@serabeak.com.

From my soul to yours, thank you.